Dream Big: Crafting Your Freedom Bucket List

Let’s talk about something exciting, something bold, something that will keep you focused on your goals even during those tough moments. We’re talking about freedom bucket lists.

This isn’t your typical “bucket list.” It’s not all about ticking off travel destinations or material goals like buying your dream car. This is about the life you’ve been putting on hold. The things you’ll finally do, explore, and achieve once you escape the 9-to-5 grind. It’s not retirement—it’s about filling your time with meaningful experiences that align with your personal values and passions.

What Is a Freedom Bucket List?

A freedom bucket list is a collection of dreams, goals, and experiences that represent your ideal life once you’re free from the constraints of a traditional work schedule. It’s the what’s next after breaking free from the grind. No more deferring those dreams to “someday.” This is about living boldly, fully, and completely aligned with your values.

Imagine having a life where your time is yours—a life that you’ve designed around what truly matters to you. Not what society expects, not what your boss demands, but what makes you feel alive. Your freedom bucket list sets the tone for that dream life.

Why Creating Your Freedom Bucket List Matters

Life without direction is like scrolling through Netflix for an hour and never actually choosing a movie. Your freedom bucket list gives you clarity, focus, and motivation. Here’s why it’s a game changer:

1. It Keeps You Motivated

When you’re working toward something significant—like building a business that lets you escape the 9-to-5—a glimpse of what you’re working for can keep you going. It’s that picture-perfect vision that gets you out of bed every morning.

2. It Aligns with Your Why

Why are you pursuing freedom in the first place? Is it to travel, spend time with your family, create, or give back? Your bucket list makes your why crystal clear and reminds you what’s at stake.

3. It Brings Clarity

When you’re overwhelmed by all the things you could do, your bucket list cuts through the noise and helps you prioritize. You’ll know exactly what to focus on—no more waffling, no more distractions.

4. It Helps You Dream Big

Sometimes, we forget how to dream. Life has a way of boxing us in, making us think small. But your freedom bucket list encourages you to blow the lid off those limitations and think as big as possible.

How to Make Your Freedom Bucket List

1. Start Dreaming Without Limits

Grab a notebook, find a comfy chair, and start writing. No filters, no limits. If something feels impossible—write it down anyway. If you’ve always secretly wanted to live in a treehouse in Bali or climb Mount Kilimanjaro, jot it down. This is your chance to dream big.

2. Align Your List with Your Values

Think about what matters most to you. Is it adventure? Connection? Creativity? Philanthropy? Your bucket list should reflect what you value most, so every item on it feels deeply personal.

3. Get Specific

Vague goals won’t excite you. Instead of saying, “travel,” write “take a month-long road trip through the Rockies in my camper van.” Details make it more tangible, more real.

4. Prioritize

Once you have your full list of dreams, pick one or two that speak to you the loudest. Those are the goals you’ll focus on first. Don’t overwhelm yourself—small steps lead to big progress.

5. Break It Down

Big dreams can feel intimidating, like they’re too big to pursue. The key is to break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Want to live the van life? Start by researching vans, then plan your budget, and so on.

6. Document and Revisit Regularly

This isn’t the kind of thing you make once and forget about. Your bucket list is a living, breathing document that grows with you. Keep it visible—in your planner, on a vision board, wherever you’ll see it often—and revisit it regularly to track progress and update it as needed.

What’s On My Freedom Bucket List?

Want a little inspiration? Here’s a sneak peek at what’s on my own list (and maybe it’ll spark ideas for your own):

  • Travel in a Sprinter van: For years, I’ve dreamed of traveling the country in a compact, cozy van—working from the road, waking up to gorgeous views, and chasing adventure.
  • Create beautiful things: My quilting room is my happy place. One of my dreams is to spend entire weeks designing and sewing new creations.
  • Mentor other freedom chasers: Helping people escape the grind and build lives full of passion and purpose is my ultimate mission. Watching others thrive because of something I’ve taught or shared? Nothing compares.
  • Live a one-wardrobe life: Goodbye work clothes. I want a wardrobe that’s unapologetically me—comfortable, functional, and 100% reflective of my personality.

Your Challenge

Here’s my challenge to you (yes, you have a deadline!):

  1. Grab a planner or a journal—whatever works for you.
  2. Set aside an afternoon to dream big and create your own freedom bucket list.
  3. Commit to one or two items for the coming year.

Make it bold, make it yours, and don’t hold back.

Taking the First Step

Need help getting started? We’ve got a free mini-course that gives you a step-by-step blueprint for escaping the 9-to-5 and building a life of freedom.

Also check out all of our other tips and ideas on how to Escape the 9 to 5 here.

Your freedom-filled future is waiting. Start dreaming, start planning, and start living.